They're here! Our highly regarded FREE online courses in Client Relationship and Negotiating Skills in post and VFX are back!

Effective Client Relationship & Negotiating Skills in Post, online course  delivered for ScreenSkills by Every Sense

Weds 27th Sept 2023 9.30 - 14.00 (includes 30 min break & mini-breaks) 

Weds 18th Oct 2023 9.30 - 14.00 (includes 30 min break & mini-breaks) 


VFX Effective Client Relationship & Negotiating Skills online course delivered for ScreenSkills by Every Sense

Thurs 28th Sept 2023 9.30 - 14.00 (includes 30 min break & mini-breaks)

Tues 17th Oct 2023 9.30 - 14.00 (includes 30 min break & mini-breaks)


They’re back! Whatever the challenges post and VFX production teams are facing – competition for work, variable workloads, demanding clients, working in hybrid teams, this highly-regarded course provides post and VFX teams with practical ideas and insights they can use now and in the future.

Each course consists of the online session AND a follow up one-to-one mentor session to really support you in putting new approaches and ideas into practice.

Who this course is for:

The course is open to those working in post and VFX companies that service HETV.

Places are limited; no more than 2 people from any one company per course please.

PLEASE NOTE: If you have already done this course, do not book on it again as the core concepts are the same as before - tell your colleagues about it instead!

As far as possible, please ensure you can commit to attending the course. Schedules in post and VFX mean it is hard to fill your place if you drop out at the last minute and places are limited to ensure a high-quality course.

The course is rooted in the day-to-day realities of working in post and VFX and how teams and clients are being asked to work now. You will come away with key ideas, tips, resources and, above all, increased confidence in the way you develop effective relationships and handle challenging situations and negotiations.

Course content:

• Fundamentals of building long term, profitable client relationships

• Understanding your role as problem solvers and experts

• Appreciating your expertise; putting a price on how you add value

• Clarity and challenges in project scoping

• Explaining your thinking: the value of ‘why?’

• Understanding your internal and external client’s POV: the pains / gains spectrum

• What clients really want: top tips for developing effective relationships

• Understanding the value and purpose of different forms of communication: online, ’phone, email

• Negotiating for a win-win; identifying your negotiating style

• Building rapport – the key skill for any negotiation

• Preparation – identifying your BPO (Best Possible Outcome) and Plan B

• The essential skills: active listening, asking open questions and paraphrasing to check understanding

• Identifying suitable trade-offs

• Helpful phrases and questions – what to say and what NOT to say

• Identifying the red flags – when to seek support

• Your take-aways: summarising what you have learned and what you intend to put into practice as a result of the training.

We always welcome applications from under-represented groups, including, but not limited to those from Black, Asian and minority ethnic backgrounds; people with a disability; people from the LGBTQ+ community and those from lower socio-economic backgrounds. We offer inclusive training. If you have any needs which we can accommodate during the recruitment process and beyond, please let us know and we will be happy to work with you to meet them.

Comments from previous course participants:

'Fantastic structure and content. Great use of the conference tool. It is also very rewarding to gather with other professionals doing the same as you. I found the session very valuable.'

'This was a great course providing insight and techniques at the core of what we do in VFX.'

‘Really insightful course which raised lots of new and interesting points of view around negotiating.’

‘Doing the course and then applying some of it really boosted my confidence.'

'Found it really useful and will definitely recommend my team mates do this course.'

‘I thoroughly enjoyed the course yesterday, already finding it useful for some situations that have been thrown my way today!’

‘It was a great session yesterday; I thoroughly enjoyed it and learnt a lot.’

‘Thank you very much for the course, it was an eye-opener from a commercial point of view and the follow up session is very useful. I would definitely recommend this course.’

'This really helped me to reassess how I think about my client relationships, and how to think more carefully, rather than just being reactive.'

'I really enjoyed this course as it is tailor-made for VFX. Thank you!'

About ScreenSkills

ScreenSkills is the industry-led skills body for the UK's screen-based creative industries - animation, film, games, television including children's and high-end, VFX and immersive technology. We work across the whole of the country to build an inclusive workforce with the skills needed for continued success, now and in the future. ScreenSkills

About the trainer

Every Sense is a specialist business consultancy. We work with the screen-based sector helping people and companies to grow, prosper and achieve their potential.

ScreenSkills HETV Developing Effective Client Relationship & Negotiating Skills courses for VFX - two new dates in April 2023!

November 11th, 2022

ScreenSkills HETV Developing Effective Client Relationship & Negotiating Skills courses for VFX

Due to popular demand we are running two additional dates for ScreenSkills HETV VFX Client Relationship & Negotiating skills online courses.

The new dates are:

Wednesday 19th April 2023 9.30am  – 2.00pm

 Thursday 27th April 2023 9.30am  – 2.00pm

Check out the details below and then contact the organiser to apply for a place. Please tell us your preferred date:


Who it's for

This course is for those already working in VFX as producers, production coordinators, leads and related roles. The course is open to those working in VFX studios that service HETV.

We want to be as inclusive as possible - if you have any reasonable adjustments or accommodations you would like us to make - please let us know.

The course consists of the online session, a one-to-one mentor session and a follow-up group review session to really support you in putting new approaches and ideas into practice.  

About the course

Whatever the challenges VFX teams are facing – significant work-loads, working virtually, in hybrid teams or with clients WFH, these highly-regarded courses provide practical ideas and insights you can use now and in the future.

The courses are rooted in the day-to-day realities of working in VFX and how teams and clients are being asked to work now. You will come away with key ideas, tips, resources and, above all, increased confidence in the way you develop effective relationships and handle challenging situations and negotiations.     

Course content:

• Fundamentals of building long term, profitable client relationships

• Understanding your role as problem solvers and experts       

• Appreciating your expertise; putting a price on how you add value

• Clarity and challenges in project scoping

• Explaining your thinking: the value of ‘why?’

• Understanding your internal and external client’s POV: the pains / gains spectrum  

 • What clients really want: top tips for developing effective relationships       

• Understanding the value and purpose of different forms of communication: online, ’phone, email                

• Negotiating for a win-win; identifying your negotiating style      

• Building rapport in an online world – the key skill for any negotiation     

• Preparation – identifying your BPO (Best Possible Outcome) and Plan B     

• The essential skills: active listening, asking open questions and paraphrasing to check understanding       

• Identifying suitable trade-offs     

• Helpful phrases and questions – what to say and what NOT to say        

• Identifying the red flags – when to seek support     

• Your take-aways: summarising what you have learned and what you intend to put into practice as a result of the training.  

Comments from previous course participants:

“This was a great course providing insight and techniques at the core of what we do in VFX.”  

“I would definitely recommend this course to anyone in post-production.”

“This course really helped me to reassess how I think about my client relationships, and how to think more carefully, rather than just being reactive.”

“I feel I have learnt a lot that I am trying to put into practice and helping others to do so too.”

“Found it really useful and will definitely recommend my team-mates do this course.”

“I found the course and Angela to be very knowledgeable, insightful, super-collaborative and approachable. I really enjoyed it and have taken a lot from it.”

“I would highly recommend this course. I feel very supported by ScreenSkills because of this course and the follow up mentor calls.”

“Doing the course and then applying some of it really boosted my confidence.”

“A really helpful, thought-provoking course.”

“The course is interactive and makes you reflect on the way you work – the tips were also super-helpful.”

“A great use of my time attending the course today.”

“Really insightful course which raised lots of new and interesting points of view around negotiating.” 

“It was an excellent course and I wish I’d had the opportunity to have this sort of training at the start of my career.” 

To apply for a place, please contact the organiser. Please tell us your preferred date:

ScreenSkills HETV Leadership of remote and hybrid teams in post and VFX courses are back!

ScreenSkills HETV Leadership of remote and hybrid teams in post and VFX

They’re back! Every Sense are once again running our highly-regarded ScreenSkills funded series of courses for team leaders working in post and VFX.

The courses are FREE and online.

Check out all the details and dates below then contact the organiser to apply for a place. Please tell us whether you want the post or VFX course and your preferred date:


Who it's for

This course is for those already leading and managing remote and hybrid teams in VFX, or who are new to leading a team. The course is open to those working in studios that service HETV.

Places are limited; no more than 2 people from any one company per course please. We want to be as inclusive as possible - if you have any reasonable adjustments or accommodations you would like us to make - please let us know.

There will be a choice of 2 online courses for this programme on the following dates:

• Course 1 - Thursday 26th January 2023 from 10.00 - 14.00 (includes 20 min break and mini-breaks)

• Course 2 - Wednesday 8th February 2023 from 10.00 - 14.00 (includes 20 min break and mini-breaks)

The course consists of the online session, a one-to-one mentor session and a follow-up group review session to really support you in putting new approaches and idea into practice.  


Who it's for

This course is for those already leading and managing remote and hybrid teams in post, or who are new to leading a team. The course is open to those working in facilities that service HETV.

Places are limited; no more than 2 people from any one company per course please. We want to be as inclusive as possible - if you have any reasonable adjustments or accommodations you would like us to make - please let us know.

There will be a choice of 2 online courses for this programme on the following dates:

• Course 1 - Wednesday 25 January 2023 from 10.00 - 14.00 (includes 20 min break and mini-breaks)

• Course 2 - Thursday 9 February 2023 from 10.00 - 14.00 (includes 20 min break and mini-breaks)

The course consists of the online session, a one-to-one mentor session and a follow-up group review session to really support you in putting new approaches and idea into practice.  

What it covers

You may be used to leading a remote or hybrid team by now. But are you really getting the most out of the team and the individuals in it? Are there areas you could improve or that present particular challenges? In the battle for talent what is going to keep your remote or hybrid team members happy, productive, developing, and wanting to stay working with you? Alternatively, are you new to leading a remote or hybrid team and need some support?

Leading your remote or hybrid team in post or VFX requires particular skills. Totally tailored to the needs of managers and those leading teams in post and VFX and the reality of the daily demands of post and VFX, this highly-regarded course provides practical, relevant ideas, and support that you can put into action straight away.

Subjects to be covered include:

• The challenges and differences of working with remote and hybrid teams

• Trust – the essential ingredient to build and develop the capabilities of your remote or hybrid team

• Ideas to foster and develop connection and a team ethos among remote and hybrid teams

• Working intentionally to support and understand the needs of individuals

• Providing a level playing field amongst team members with different work patterns

• Understanding the specific needs of new people and promoted team members when working in remote or hybrid teams

• ‘Heads down, heads up, heads together’ – a framework to ensure you are focusing on outcomes

• Effective use of communication channels and communication skills including ensuring mixed meetings work for all

• Establishing good daily rituals and check-ins

• Red flags – how to recognise team and individual challenges, when to get help

• Practical tips, ideas, and nuggets of practice that busy team leaders and managers can take away and use immediately

• Your action plans – identifying the specific steps you want to take at organisational and individual level to ensure you are meeting the needs of your remote or hybrid team.

Comments from previous participants

“I really enjoyed it and thought it was great – would 100% recommend it and have talked to all my colleagues about it.”

“The course has been like a wake-up call. Also found the follow-up structure super-useful.”

“Really great discussions with other people in similar situations. An eye-opener of different techniques to use. Thank you!”

“Lots of useful items to think about and implement in future.”

“Really enjoyable, gave me some great ideas to give the team the best environment possible to work in.”

“This was a very beneficial course, very well structured, well led and was great to hear how other people in the same job role / industry are dealing with remote and hybrid working. It has also given me a bit more headspace and allowed me to think more broadly about the bigger picture rather than just the day-to-day aspects of the job.”

“So useful – and so supportive; totally tailored to our industry and needs.”

“Very helpful and thought-provoking.”

“Very happy to have taken part - the course gave me the confidence to do more.” 

“Thank you for the course today - It was brilliant! I found it really insightful and have come away from it with lots of ideas to make improvements not just for my team but for the company as a whole.”

“As a result of the course I am now tailoring my approach more to the needs of the individual rather than being completely process dominated.”

“Very useful in getting me to focus on my team and their needs.”

How to apply

Check out all the details and dates below then contact the organiser to apply for a place. Please tell us whether you want the post or VFX course and your preferred date:

ScreenSkills Client Relationship & Negotiating Skills courses for Post & VFX are back!

They’re back! Every Sense are once again be running our highly-regarded, ScreenSkills funded series of courses for teams working in Post and VFX.

Check out all the details and dates below then contact the organiser:

About the courses

Whatever the challenges VFX and post-production teams are facing – significant work-loads, working virtually, in hybrid teams or with clients WFH, these highly-regarded courses provide practical ideas and insights you can use now and in the future.

Each course consists of the online session AND two follow-up one-to-one mentor sessions at one month and three months after the course to support you in implementing new skills and approaches.

The courses are rooted in the day-to-day realities of working in VFX and post-production and how teams and clients are being asked to work now. You will come away with key ideas, tips, resources and, above all, increased confidence in the way you develop effective relationships and handle challenging situations and negotiations.     

Comments from previous course participants:

‘I really enjoyed it and thought it was great – would 100% recommend it and have talked to all my colleagues about it.’

‘Really useful ideas on communicating – will definitely be putting ideas into practice.’

‘The course was incredibly helpful – I got so much out of it.’

‘The course has been like a wake-up call. Also found the follow-up structure super-useful.’

‘Thank you so much for the course – very informative and inspiring.’

‘This course really helped me to reassess how I think about my client relationships, and how to think more carefully, rather than just being reactive.’

‘Really great discussions with other people in similar situations. An eye-opener of different techniques to use. Thank you!’

‘Thank you so much for today. Found it really useful and will definitely recommend my team-mates do this course.’

Course content:

•Fundamentals of building long term, profitable client relationships

• Understanding your role as problem solvers and experts       

• Appreciating your expertise; putting a price on how you add value

• Clarity and challenges in project scoping

• Explaining your thinking: the value of ‘why?’

• Understanding your internal and external client’s POV: the pains / gains spectrum  

 • What clients really want: top tips for developing effective relationships       

• Understanding the value and purpose of different forms of communication: online, ’phone, email                

• Negotiating for a win-win; identifying your negotiating style      

• Building rapport in an online world – the key skill for any negotiation     

• Preparation – identifying your BPO (Best Possible Outcome) and Plan B     

• The essential skills: active listening, asking open questions and paraphrasing to check understanding       

• Identifying suitable trade-offs     

• Helpful phrases and questions – what to say and what NOT to say        

• Identifying the red flags – when to seek support     

• Your take-aways: summarising what you have learned and what you intend to put into practice as a result of the training.  

Developing Effective Client Relationship & Negotiating Skills - POST

This course is for:

Producers, Post Producers, Post-Production Managers,  Production Coordinators. The course is only available to those already working in UK-based post and in facilities companies that service HETV.

Places are limited; no more than 2 people from any one company per course please.

ScreenSkills funded   



Friday Oct 1st 2021 9.30 - 14.00 (includes 30 min break & mini-breaks) SOLD OUT


Thursday Jan 13th  2022 9.30 - 14.00 (includes 30 min break & mini-breaks)

Please contact the organiser:

Developing Effective Client Relationship & Negotiating Skills - VFX

This course if for those already working as: VFX Line Producer, VFX Producer, VFX Bidding Producer, VFX Production Coordinator, Associate VFX Producer, Junior VFX Producer 

The course is only available to those already working in UK-based VFX companies that service HETV.

ScreenSkills funded   

30th Sep 2021 – Jan 14th 2022



Thursday 30th Sept 2021 9.30 - 14.00 (includes 30 min break & mini-breaks) SOLD OUT


Friday Jan 14th 2022 9.30 - 14.00 (includes 30 min break & mini-breaks)

Please contact the organiser:

EVCOMference 2021 Thurs 9th October, London - join Every Sense and a host of brilliant speakers!

So looking forward to this year's EVCOMference at Hilton London Bankside Hotel, 2-8 Great Suffolk St, London, SE1 0UG on Thursday 9th October. Great speakers, great subjects, great insight direct from clients and REAL LIVE PEOPLE! What are you waiting for? All details and tickets here:…

Angela will be running a session called ‘Fit for the Future - Finding your agency Focus at 13.35 - here’s the billing:

As an agency leader, there are numerous tactics and strategies you could be employing to help your agency thrive. So how do you choose where to focus? Based on proven experience of agency growth and value realisation, this provocative and informative session takes you through the steps required to find your agency’s focus and help your business thrive.

Am also available for sofa chats. Nice. See you there!

Selected speakers in break out sessions

Selected speakers in break out sessions

Taking part in the EVCOM Aspirational women in the corporate film sector podcast

It was a pleasure to be part of the panel for this webinar organised by EVCOM with the other inspiring panelists Sara Cooper (Plastic Pictures), Catherine Peters (EVERFI), Rachel Pendered (Media Zoo), and Rebecca Denholm (Embolden), who shared their expertise in a discussion facilitated by Claire Fennelow (EVCOM).


If you missed it, you can catch up with a recording of the session here:

We shared thoughts on gender equality and our own journeys as they relate to the corporate film industry in a discussion facilitated by Claire Fennelow (EVCOM).

The discussion covered the way that the industry has changed over the years in terms of its relationship to equality and inclusion, and the areas where it still has a way to go. The panelists shared experiences dealing with stress, mental health, crises of confidence and imposter syndrome, as well journeys overcoming certain hurdles. Panelists exchanged the best advice they’ve ever been given, and delivered a message to their younger selves that they wished someone had given them at the time.

Client relationship & negotiating skills course for VFX is a success online

Back in 2018 Angela was approached by ScreenSkills, the UK trade body for the screen-based industries, to develop and run a series of face-to-face workshops for VFX and Post teams on developing effective client relationship and negotiating skills. After a research phase involving conversations with owner, managers, producers, and production co-ordinators from a wide range of companies, the first tranche of course was run in London, Glasgow, Manchester, and Bristol. It was decided to run separate course for VFX and Post teams to meet their specific needs and commercial circumstances.

Based on the very positive anonymous quantitative and qualitative feedback, the course was then re-commissioned by ScreenSkills numerous times. Word of mouth recommendations about the value of the course spread quickly and the courses were usually oversubscribed.

Going online as teams work from home

Fast forward to May 2020 it was agreed to re-run the courses virtually based on the needs of VFX teams working from home. The virtual sessions, delivered by Zoom were very successful and oversubscribed, so a further series was run in Autumn 2020.

Developing the course to make it even more effective

No course should stand still. The course has been developed and improved from the contributions and experiences of every single participant. One specific additional change, that made the courses even more effective, was the addition of a one to one follow up mentor call with Angela for each participant, helping them to embed the changes they had agreed to implement as part of the course and to troubleshoot challenges.  

Who took part?

VFX studios who have put teams through public and bespoke courses include: Axis VFX, Cinesite, Framestore, Industrial Light & Magic, VineVFX, Lexhag, Evolutions, DNeg, Molinare, Union VFX, MPC, Glassworks, Milk VFX, Technicolor and many others.  

Job titles of those who have attended courses include: VFX Line Producer, VFX Producer, VFX Bidding Producer, VFX  Production Coordinator, Associate VFX Producer, Junior VFX Producer & VFX PA.

Participant responses from recent online courses

‘One of the best training session I have been on. Everyone was engaged. I really thought it was great.’

‘I really enjoyed this morning.  The pace, the content and the delivery were just right’

‘A very well run and insightful session.’

‘Gives great insight into how other companies and individuals deal with universal challenges.’

‘Fantastic structure and content. Great use of the video conference tool.’

 ‘I really enjoyed the course and there were some good practical tips shared that I can utilise in my day to day role.’

‘Really insightful look at the VFX problems and solutions that people are dealing with in these challenging times.’

‘Content was excellent with tangible take-aways.’

 ‘This is a very effective course. My manager and I previously attended the face to face course and we have put the techniques into action and found them to be very effective. Our clients have told us our bidding process is super-clear; that is due to the techniques we have learnt.’

‘ An eye-opener of different techniques to use in different situations  - thank you!’


The original course continues to develop and adapt - to the needs of different roles in Post and VFX, and to help teams meet the challenges of changing working patterns including hybrid working from both office and home. As client demands ramp up, and the brilliance of the UK VFX, post and animation scene continues to be appreciated, especially by US studios, the need to develop effective client relationship and negotiating skills will only continue.  

ScreenSkills Post & VFX Effective Client Relationship & Negotiating Skills Online courses delivered by Every Sense - open now in June

Our Post & VFX Client Relationship & Negotiating courses have been delivered face to face to over 180 industry professionals across the UK and Canada. Now, fully funded by ScreenSkills, new FREE online courses are available.  

Working from home and in virtual teams has created additional pressures and challenges for production teams in post and VFX. Building on the previous highly-regarded courses and totally revised to reflect the new reality, this online course provides practical ideas to use now and in the future.

ScreenSkills Post Production Effective Client Relationship & Negotiating Skills Online course delivered by Every Sense on Zoom - BOOK POST COURSES

Thurs 18th June 9.30 - 14.00 (includes 30-min break & mini-breaks)

Fri 19th June 9.30 - 14.00 (includes 30-min break & mini-breaks)

ScreenSkills VFX Effective Client Relationship & Negotiating Skills Online course delivered by Every Sense on Zoom - BOOK VFX COURSES

Weds 24th June 9.30 - 14.00 (includes 30-min break & mini-breaks)

Thurs 25th June 9.30 - 14.00 (includes 30-min break & mini-breaks)

Places are limited and we can only allow 2 people per company per course, so please book soon to ensure you do not miss out.

The course covers:

• Fundamentals of building long term, profitable client relationships

• Understanding your role as problem solvers and experts       

• Appreciating your expertise; putting a price on how you add value

• Clarity and challenges in project scoping

• Explaining your thinking: the value of ‘why?’

• Understanding your internal and external client’s POV: the pains / gains spectrum  

• What clients really want: top tips for developing effective relationships       

• Understanding the value and purpose of different forms of communication: online, ’phone, email                

• Negotiating for a win-win; identifying your negotiating style      

• Building rapport in an online world – the key skill for any negotiation     

• Preparation – identifying your BPO (Best Possible Outcome) and Plan B      

• The essential skills: active listening, asking open questions and paraphrasing to check  understanding       

• Identifying suitable trade-offs     

• Helpful phrases and questions – what to say and what NOT to say        

• Identifying the red flags – when to seek support     

• Your take-aways: summarising what you have learned and what you intend to put into practice as a result of the training.  

Including breakouts, connecting with fellow participants and exercises, each course consists of the online session AND an individual follow-up mentor session to support your skills in practice.

Each course is rooted in the day-to-day realities of working in Post and VFX  and working remotely. Your up and coming talent will come away with key ideas, tips, resources and, above all, increased confidence in the way you develop effective relationships and handle challenging situations and negotiations.     

Comments from previous course participants

 ‘Really insightful and valuable – excellent.’ 

‘Learned loads of useful ways to communicate with clients and how to negotiate with them.’

‘Well-organised and extremely useful session.’

‘I thoroughly enjoyed the course yesterday, already finding it useful for some situations that have been thrown my way today!’

‘It was a great session yesterday, I thoroughly enjoyed it and learnt a lot.’

‘I have already started picking up the phone more and feel much more confident in doing so’

‘Being relatively experienced I didn’t know what to expect, but in fact I got a lot out of it.’ ‘Opened my eyes to some new thinking’

‘It was very useful to see things from a client’s point of view’    


ScreenSkills is the industry-led skills body for the UK's screen-based creative industries - animation, film, games, television including children's and high-end, VFX and immersive technology. We work across the whole of the country to build an inclusive workforce with the skills needed for continued success, now and in the future. 


Webinar recording - listen here 'Creativity in the time of Corona' with EVCOM

Loved being part of EVCOM webinar on 'Creativity in the time of Coronavirus' this week with Matt Margetson from Smyle, Dean Beswick of Gorilla Gorilla! Karen Kadin MD of Brands at Work and Steve Quah CEO of Cheerful Twentyfirst.

A positive and stimulating conversation on necessity being the mother of invention, possibilities, collaboration, client needs and the all important value proposition. If you missed it - don’t worry! Link to the recording here:

EVCOM member? Make sure to complete important survey on potential future impact of coronavirus by May 22nd

Calling all fellow EVCOM members! Please complete EVCOM’s survey, created by Every Sense, designed to explore the impact of the coronavirus on your event or branded content business and your predictions for the future. This is your chance to share your experiences to help inform government and let EVCOM know how to support you. The more people respond, the more useful the resulting information will be. And we want to get your perspective and views heard in the published results and articles. Survey link below. Please complete by Friday 22nd May, to have your voice heard.

Creativity in the time of Corona - join the EVCOM webinar, May 13th 4.00pm

I’m part of a panel invited by EVCOM to consider creativity in the time of coronavirus.

Here’s the info from EVCOM.

In the time of the Coronavirus, we are being forced out of our comfort zones, forced to innovate, forced to be creative. So what can a pandemic teach us about creativity? A panel of industry leaders gather virtually, to discuss creativity in the time of Corona, what they are learning, what creativity in the new normal looks like and whether creativity has been changed forever. Panelists: Matt Margetson (Smyle) Karen Kadin (Brands At Work) Steve Quah (Cheerful Twentyfirst) Angela Law (Every Sense) The discussion will be facilitated by Dean Beswick (Gorilla Gorilla)

Register here:

Supporting agencies during lock down - we are here to help

Since March 16th we've had pro-bono conversations with many agencies to help in business planning during the pandemic. Conversations covered cash, people, clients, & comms in that order. As time moves on comms and action is essential. I can tell any agency that silence now is not golden. If I look at an agency's profile via website and social media feeds and see nothing about their response to Covid-19 I feel really worried for them. Because silence on the greatest issue to affect a generation implies what exactly? We're no longer in business? We don't know what to do or say? We don't care? None of these are a good look for those whose expertise is communication. Yes, you may be in very difficult circumstances. Or, maybe optimistically you are so busy supporting pro-active clients that it is business as usual. But nothing about this situation is usual. You need to be part of the conversation and demonstrate how you are part of the solution. You owe it to your people, clients and community to explain what you are doing and how you can help. Because the agencies that are communicative, positive and pro-active now are the ones that clients will trust even more and come bouncing back. The offer of a pro-bono conversation is still there - we can kick-start action and support you. Please do get in touch with Angela:

Is the forecast sunny for your production company or agency?

Or are you battling under what feels like a persistent low and storm clouds? The weather may be hard to predict, but we can predict all too confidently that, without a clear, differentiated value proposition your creative agency will have turbulent times. Check out the short-term forecast. Do any of these situations sound familiar…